
You can send your Deformity form responses directly to 7,000+ tools using our free Zapier integration.

Take full control of your data, seamlessly organizing, sharing, and visualizing your results with your team. Effortlessly automate workflows and create custom reports from your data—all with just a few clicks.

Deformity's Free Zapier Integration
Deformity + Zapier = ❤️

Calling all automation enthusiasts! The Zapier integration is free for all Deformity users. That’s right—absolutely free! Who says great things don’t come in zaps and triggers?

How to Set Up Zapier with Deformity

  1. Create a New Zap

    Log in to your Zapier account and click on "Create Zap" to start setting up a new automation.

  2. Select Deformity as the Trigger App

    In the "App & Event" search bar, type Deformity and select it from the list.

    Selecting Deformity as the app in Zapier
  3. Choose the Trigger Event

    Select "New Response" as the trigger event. This will activate the Zap whenever a new response is received.

    Choosing 'New Response' as the trigger event
  4. Connect Your Deformity Account

    Click on "Sign in to Deformity" to connect your Deformity account with Zapier.

    Zapier prompts to connect to Deformity
  5. Get Your Deformity API Key

    In a new tab, log in to your Deformity account. Navigate to the specific form you want to integrate.

    Selecting the form in Deformity

    Go to the "Settings" of the form.

    Navigating to form settings

    Click on the "Integrations" tab and select "Zapier".

    Accessing Zapier integration in Deformity

    Click on "Connect" to generate your API key.
    Important: Ensure you click the "Activate Zapier" button to activate the generated key.

    Generating and copying your Deformity API key
  6. Enter the API Key in Zapier

    Go back to the Zapier window and paste the API key you copied from Deformity. Click "Yes, Continue" to proceed.

  7. Test the Trigger

    Zapier will prompt you to test the trigger to ensure everything is set up correctly. Click "Test Trigger" and verify that the sample data appears.

    Testing the trigger in Zapier
  8. Set Up the Action

    Choose the action app where you want to send your Deformity responses (e.g., Google Sheets, Slack). Configure the action according to your needs.

    Completing the Zap setup
  9. Turn On Your Zap

    Once you've configured the action, give your Zap a name and turn it on.

Congratulations! You've successfully connected Deformity with Zapier. Your form responses will now automatically flow into your chosen apps, streamlining your workflow and saving you time.